Friday, March 14, 2008

And thats the way my bubble was burst....

The movie had just started and I was all set to sit through two hours of sappy romance and girlie stuff... I was completely in the mood and through the movie I wanted to go back to my romantic world (which I must confess I live in more often than not!!)

There on the screen was this perfect guy...singing for his girl, taking care of her, telling her how much he loved her, doing those small things that go a long way in making a relationship...I had just started slipping away into my dream world...

and BANG there is this switch to reality....
"Men are not like this in real realistic!!!"
This is what my friend who thinks I am too much of a romantic had to say to me when we were not even five minutes into the movie....I was upset (I think) I want my man to be like this only in real life!!! I dont care but he has to be exactly like this...I thought in my mind.
(Well thats a different matter that she was the one crying away to glory till the very end!!)

"P.S. I love you" was sappy, cute (I dont like the word), cry-able and just the kinda movie I would want to watch when I am in my "one of those day dreaming" modes. the movie wanted me to continue living in my romantic world, wanted me to continue to dream and think on...happiness and just the feeling of being loved by someone!!

Please dont tell me that nothing like this happens in the real world... I want to continue dreaming, continue being the hopeless romantic...well thats one side to me that I would never want to change :)

Cheers to me and my world!!

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