Sunday, March 9, 2008

A Sunday well spent!!

No I am not the kinds who can just sleep whenever and where ever a bed is shown and its not that I dont enjoy sleeping but it was just one of those Sundays where my sleeping was interspersed with minor activity (Read chatting on the phone, eating lunch, browsing the internet and sleeping some more!!)

So this was how my Saturday night was:
After a trip to Alibaug(more on that will be coming soon...) I was mighty sleepy so I just came and crashed...was out by 12!
Then around 1:20 a drunken girl read our 23 year old Mallika - e - Hindustaan wakes me up to tell me how much she loves me and expects me to make some conversation with my daze i mumble something and try and get her out of my room...I mean thanks for the proclomation for all the love for me but how about looking at the watch first?!?!?!

Then while I am tossing and turning I bump into my side-table (No I dont have the luxury of a side table but I dont know what to call the little wooden dent coming out of the corner!!) and I continue sleeping...
get up at 11 and then read the newspaper
go back to sleep
get up at to have lunch
go back to sleep
get up to have some juice and browse the internet
go back to sleep
get up and browse the internet
get back to sleep
get up and do some nonsense!!
and now I am preparing to go back to sleep...

I am guessing it is just one of those daze :)
Good Night and some more sleep
Me :)

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