Saturday, March 1, 2008

The most exciting Saturday night ever!!

I have fever and I dont like it...I cant get out of the house and I want to get out of the house!! This is my medium to whine and act like a brat and no one can tell me to shut up also...I wanna go out have a large gelato and chill at Carter Road and then sit at Barista and have a cold coffee Grande(the way they pronounce it!!) and then go to Prithvi n chill there and then go to Sundance even if I am on antibiotics and then also go to Kemps Corner and then go to bandra Gymkhana and chill some more and then go to Not Just jazz and have wine and then go inside and listen to the band playing inside and then go and have coffee at Marine Plaza and then still dont wanna get back home...I WANT I WANT I WANT!!!

but...they say if wishes were horses!!!

Guess what?? I will be at home popping one Crocin after another and watching some sappy romantic movie and probably sleep heres to the most exciting saturday night ever!!

1 comment:

Nandita Menon said...

get over it DELILAH!!!

You can watch your best friend getting drunk and crying over sappy songs.

The best Saturday night ever....

Lucky You