Monday, February 4, 2008

"Are we sundancing it today??"

"Are we sundancing it today??"
This is a question my ears were conditioned to hear every single evening (well almost!!) and now that we have been dislocated I have decided it is time to give this place, our haven a tribute!!
Located 5 mins away from Churchgate station...this place Sundance became our second home, the first being the shady mahim PG(on that some other time!)

we would rush to reach at 6:30 , order and start chilling.
Now who are the "we", "us" and what is the order and why 6:30??
one at a time...we includes anyone who would want to join the sundance musketeers(yes thats what Neha, nandita and me(more on Neha and Nandita later!!) have started being called) for a chilled evening over "the order"(boy do I know how to create suspense or what!!) and mind you there used to be quiet a few who would want to join the "sundance musketeers" so its not that we were completely useless, not that we dont like spending time with eachother alone!!

And yes now "THE ORDER" -
It always used to be Nandita "Bhaiya 2 vodka large, 1 rum large aur 3 cokes"
Bhaiya: Coke nahi Pepsi
Nandita: haan pepsi, acha bhaiya diet pepsi hai?
Bhaiya: Haan
nandita: acha 2 diet pepsi, aur bhaiya namkeen and loads of lemon slices

this is the conversation like it happens every single time!! no changes even in the articles...i swear!!

6:30 - 8 in the evening - happy hours at sundance and boy did we take that phrase seriously? and did we live up to it?? i dont think i would want to give any prizes for guessing that!!

"what is discussed at sundance stays at sundance" was the first rule that was set and do we follow that to the tee!! endless sessions of gossip and more gossip and even more gossip!!! thinking about the future, fantasising and fantasising some more...then after sometime realising that all this is so temporary(senti stuff i wil save for the end though)

the second rule that we set but have not been able to stick to - nandita should not start singing after downing her first drink!! and it has been so difficult to keep her shut that even the uncle has come up to us and told us that he does not have a license for people to sing and if the police comes we would have to pay 15000 bucks(no I am not kidding!!) that still does not keep her shut!

In the middle of these sessions I take my regular walk down to the cigarette man and pick up cigis for these people and I owe so much to this place...I actually got to understand the difference between the different brands, I now know that it is Classic milds and Goldflake lights(more on that later too)!! so sundance not only lets you be, it also helps you grow in terms of the kind of knowledge that you carry back!

It is just the feel to the place...the lighting, the arm rest where you can lean and sit, be screamed for it, laughing away to glory, just chilling, laughing away to glory, having repeat after repeat and then calling for another repeat! its just the best place to be, to chill!! so this is my first favourite thing - SUNDANCE!!



insia said...

To the irrelevant,
Sundance is my Happy home.I cannot think of any place when I think of being high and happy.The three of you'll and I have had our most amazing "I never have ever" sessions there. You know what I mean ladies. Sundance had become our Friday bitching forum and the best thing is that it never leaves you guilty for what you say. What is said at sundance, remains in sundance.
Ila, my dear queen of exaggeration - the uncle said he will charge us Rs 10,000 and not 15 for Nandita's melodies - so quit drinking babe, maybe the memory will improve.
dude,how can you forget "Who's your daddy man" - for all those who have heard the song, its the Sundance anthem.I cant think of a life without sundance so I say tonight it is. Lets hit the Happy Hours!
Bottoms Up!

nikita said...

well to begin with i would like to thank god for creating and opening a place like sundance....after all soooo much happiness and satisfaction you guys have found there...
thoough i have not been there much yet after reading ur experiences i feel i should just chuck work at a time to be there at 6 to enjoy the happy hours!!!! seems like one of the 'must do' things....
so every friday or saturday let's sundance!!!!

insia said...

hey Nikita,
there is a change in the day now
we go to sundance on thursdays so put it in your schedule
and be there

Swati said...

I guess Sundance is a nice inspiration for bloggers!!!! Really well-written!!