Wednesday, February 13, 2008


Ever since i have started writing... this is my third post wat to do my muse isnt inspiring me only =)
hardly any blogging happening...disappointed i knw cos all of u had been waiting for me to post...i knw i knw!! so back on public demand..its not a gd thing to make a writer write under pressure you know...but all your enthusiasm couldnt stop me!

Well Tuesday was all about bird shit n the luck it brought with it!!
I am running late for office, while crossing the road a bird shits, I mean a bird shits yes but it shat on me!! I was super pissed but then what my ma used to tell me "if a bird shits on you its lucky!!" thought came to my mind!

I then thought lets ignore the shit part of it and start anticipating a lucky day ahead:) i think the optimist that i wanted to be!! Tuesday turned out to be... Read on!

So i enter office with bird shit on my kurta trying to hide it with my bag hoping and pleading to God that I dont meet anyone on my way...but when its ur lucky day God wants to shower you with all the luck you know....i meet the very person who is overlooking our work!! =) I mean couldnt get luckier!!

And then this new pair of shoes I just bought ... wearing them for the third time, I was just standing around and the heel breaks!! Luck i tell you...great now i have to walk around office with a broken heel all day and the day has just here I am walking with one broken heel on brand new shoes in my hope of passing it off as "IN" but I think the person that I am it only came across as a broken heel! sigh...

It doesnt end here...

And then I was told to introduce myself to someone BIG in the organisation...
Ila: "i am a graduate in English literature from Delhi University"
BIG MAN: "So who is your fave author?"
Ila: "right now its JK Rowling (I genuinely like her)
BIG MAN: Blank look trying to tell me weirdo you are a lit grad you ought to be more intellectual than that
Ila: (BEAT THIS NOW) I say from "Classic Lit" its that man!!(What was I thinking pls tel me!!)
BIG MAN: Blank look trying to tell me weirdo you are a lit grad you ought to be more intellectual than that
Ila: Takes 2 mins and says "Salman Rushdie"

I am sorry if those of you who know me are disappointed in me or are laughing at me in all probability but thats how bad an intro can go u know!!
So the BIG MAN probably went away thinking I am a freak of nature who the company recruited by mistake and trust me I was feeling the same!! It was insane!!

Then careless me also managed to drop chocolate sauce on in all wow!!

It dsnt end here yet...God wanted it to be a far more luckier day you see!!
I was supposed to send a mail to the person I met in the lift with an attachment, I sent the mail but WITHOUT the attachment and I leave the office, rch home check my mail and the man from the lift had replied back saying

You forgot the attachment :)

and I just wanted to say ya watever! the guy probably was thinking what an idiot..but now i was beyond thinking!!

so I reach back home and I am telling ma what a royally screwed up day I had and I start off with "Bird shit" and Ma says...GUESS WHAT

"if a bird shits on you its lucky!!"

I tell you its a vicious circle...
wat can i say


rohan said...

stands up and applauds..clap clap clap...

Unknown said...

do u even like Salman Rushdie???

Unknown said...

btw am still lauging.. it's a classic case of a bad day... hahahaha

Ila said...

Thanks Rohan!! I love the applause and i know its pseudo;)

Unknown said...

really cool...loved it completely...kudos ila...

Swati said...

Too funny ..just too funny :)
Allow me to write about you when you write your book..Well done ;)

Ada said...

That was hilarious, and im sorry i dint read it sooner!! hugss