Wednesday, February 20, 2008


The stage was set, the music was playing...a brilliant symphony adding to the wait...the stage was low, the lighting was just perfect and I was excited!!!

It was a 9'o clock show and I was waiting, all excited and loving the experience of being where I was. Now where was I?? (From my previous writings you would have observed I am very good at creating suspense...n I can almost imagine you wanting to know where I was with baited breath...modesty I tel you!!)

I was at Prithvi...waiting for the curtains to draw (not that there were any!!)...waiting for the play to start...I was loving it, every second of the experience...for two reasons -
one because I was about to watch a play after a fairly long time...the last being when Prithvi had come to Delhi with Footsbarn and that was almost some two to three years ago and secondly because I have been part of plays and have done my share of theater and the "theatrical" me was getting more and more excited with every passing second...expecting something out of the ordinary!!

I had gone to watch this play called "C for Clowns" and it had the most brilliant actors as part of the cast - Vinay Pathak, ranvir Shorey and Rajat Kapoor (directed also by him)
The play started at 9 and from the word go I was thoroughly enjoying every minute, laughing out loudly...BRILLIANT is the word!!

These guys did it so effortlessly and naturally that the effect was completely and absolutely stunning...I was at a loss of words and still am...they touched the perfect chord with the audience and the end result was a job well done!! It was a good start to getting back to theater after the hiatus!

After the play we chilled at the Prithvi cafe and it was a brilliant end to the amazing evening!!
My only regret being I discovered this place a bit too late :(



rohan said...

After reading that post, even i feel like watching that play..
And btw whch was the last play that u did? Was it the one with ranvir shorey at siri fort audi or was it the one that u did infront of the mirror?

Ila said...

rohan it was obviously the one wid ranvir at siri fort ya!! come on...u shud remember!

rohan said...

@ila: ahhh now i remember, thats when i got my big break as a director and you got ur frst role as the protagonist's mom...
'Heights of vellapanti' was the name of that play if remember correctly!!