Friday, September 5, 2008

A conversation!

me: ya its a blah day; feeling useless
A friend of mine: happens

Now I am very blah and I have no work and I will sit and analyse this...
what is with the "happens" I am blah I am blah you have to either entertain me or you have to symapthise not say "happens" and shut up about it!

Or I should get the hint that I cant whine or I should get the hint that I am supposed to shut up or I should get the hint that "a friend of mine" is busy or I should assume that blah-ness will not be tolerated!

So why cant I whine, I can whine because I want to whine because I am blah and you are supposed to say "what happened, y r u blah?"
and why should I shut up I want you to know that I am blah and want you to help me be less blah
and why should I get the hint...why cant you just tell me...

Okay this is very random but as you can clearly see I am blah and I need entertainment! or I will just write some more or maybe later


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

may be "Happens" just meant ya I understand, it happens, dont stress ..

randomness, blahness, stupidity and moments of sheer genius just Happens sometimes .. don't go crazy about it .. and don't over do it with a non sensical post like that