Saturday, September 20, 2008

Randomness and then some..

We were sitting on low couches, right opposite where the blasts took place last Saturday, sipping on our drinks, weird music playing in the background taking us into a tizzy of randomness (Yet again!!) ; seeing the world go by; TV reporters reporting the scene a week after; sitting there; music getting more and more random.. This is a bit of the conversation and it just got weirder after that...

Ada: There is no cause and effect to it
Me: Of course it is always based on cause and effect
Ada: sometimes I feel we are just a piece in the jigsaw puzzle...waiting to be solved...a part of the larger puzzle (okay she dint say the last bit :P)
Me: Hmmm, there is no jigsaw, I think we are a part of a bigger picture
Ada: The food is really good here!!

(By now both of us had realised the music and the ide had taken its toll on us and we were being completely random...trying to make sense of whatever we were saying..n both of us knew it was nonsense)

And so we paid the bill and left...


Ada said...

Haha, I remember that i had said that maybe a little thing that we comtribute to, like crossing a road, has some larger meaning.. in the big context. hahaha.... and then the jigsaw came.

Ada said...

damn dont make fun of my speeling.

humanobserver said...

nice conversation.....

Ila said...

@ Ada...I have forgiven you long time back for your spelling errors...which more than always make everybody else forget their spellings

@ Humanobserver...ya it was a nice RANDOM conversation :)